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Where to stay in Paris!

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Where to stay in Paris! Empty Where to stay in Paris!

Message  TonyC Jeu 11 Fév - 17:23

I have relatives coming over to Europe from Canada this summer. They are visiting both London and Paris. Well, I know all about London, what to do, where to stay etc. However, sad to say, I am at a bit of a loss with what to recommend for Paris. For a start, which is the best Arrondissement to stay in to be close to the main attractions e.g. Eiffel Tower etc and all the usual things to do. Also can anyone recommend any hotels? They have chosen a really nice hotel in London, very close to the West End, the centre of town i.e. Baker Street. On the other hand, I think the Georges V in Paris is a little bit out of their price bracket! Any help would be gratefully received, as well as any other suggestions on what to do and see in Paris other than the usual tourist things. Thanks for any help! Tony!

Messages : 2
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Anglais (Langue maternelle), Fr

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Where to stay in Paris! Empty Hotel in Paris

Message  JillS Jeu 11 Fév - 17:34

In reply toTony's search for a hotel, recently friends of mine came over from Australia and wanted a centrally-situated but not over-the-top expensive hotel. They discovered the top floor of the Hotel Dieu (which is in fact a large hospital). The top floor has been converted into a small hotel, the prices were reasonable and they were 50 m. from Notre Dame as well as being within walking distance of the Seine, the Latin Quarter and many other sights.They said the rooms were clean, if rather small, but some had great views over Notre Dame itself. One drawback for the more squeamish - the same lifts are used to go to the Hotel as are used by the hospital so it was not unusual to go up to one's room in the same lift as a patient on a bed and drip...
If I can find the exact name and telephone, I'll let you know.

Messages : 12
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Anglais (Langue maternelle) , Fr, Es, De

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Where to stay in Paris! Empty Paris in the summer

Message  MurielB Ven 12 Fév - 9:02

Hello Tony
Very Happy What I like best in Paris is walking with a tour guide "Les visites organisées par les guides conférenciers de Paris" You buy "Le Pariscope " and see for yourselves the ones you would like best. It is very nice and interesting because as you walk somebody explains to you everything : Architecture, history with little anecdotes etc. In "Le pariscope" the meeting point is mentionned and usually there are Very Happy around 15 people and it is not very expensive. . As for accomodation, I know somebody who rents out a beautiful appartement (4 bedrooms) round " La tour Eifel" . of course I am at your disposal for further information
See you soon

Messages : 18228
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Where to stay in Paris! Empty Thanks!

Message  TonyC Ven 12 Fév - 9:11

Thanks Jill! Sounds fun, if not different!

Messages : 2
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Anglais (Langue maternelle), Fr

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Where to stay in Paris! Empty Re: Where to stay in Paris!

Message  JillS Ven 12 Fév - 10:25

Hi Tony,
Should you have the courage to try this hotel, you can see more on their site:

Address: Hotel-Hospitel,1 place du Parvis NotreDame,75004 Paris
Telephone: 01 44 32 01 00

It's on 6th floor, Galérie B2.


Messages : 12
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Anglais (Langue maternelle) , Fr, Es, De

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