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Grand slam

3 participants

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Grand slam Empty Grand slam

Message  FabTheFrog Mar 16 Mar - 16:14

Just before the end of this year 6th nation tournment in Paris on Saturday, I went yesterday to watch Invictus in l'Alhambra. Great movie about Nelson Mandela and his commitment to politics, and rugby! Despite american, it is a remains a great movie for rugby fan, those who don't know much about it as well as South Africa, apart from few "clichés" ! As mentioned in my previous subject , I joigned guys from the free organisation and we had good fun and a couple of drinks after the movie. Join and have fun !

Messages : 32
Lieu : Boulogne
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Gb, De, Malais

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Grand slam Empty Re: Grand slam

Message  Admin Mar 16 Mar - 23:01

Why don't you post this message as a response of your previous messag? (http://[...]/cinema-ovs-t168.htm)

You should clic "répondre" instead of "nouveau"
Grand slam Tmp-130

Messages : 3368
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français, Gb

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Grand slam Empty Grand Slam

Message  PeterM Jeu 25 Mar - 17:11

well done France on completing the 'Grand Slam ', as i predicted,and well done Ireland also,just because i want to say 'well done ireland',
for those of you who are interested in Rugby of all kinds,it may be of interest to know that later in the year a team of disabled wheelchair rugby players will be coming over from the u.k. to take on a french wheelchair team, here in Boulogne, i don't have all the details at the moment,but i will keep you informed of the dates etc as soon as i have them,but i do know that it will be during the summer months,and this is not for the 'tame ' amongst you,it can get very physical and violent (in a sporting sense),and players do get tipped out of their chairs from time to time, cheers for now, Peter.

Messages : 15
Lieu : Boulogne
Langues : Irlandais, Gb (Langue maternelle), Fr

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