Polemic on the forum
3 participants
Café polyglotte sur le net (Language forum) :: salons en différentes langues (Lounges in various languages) :: Let's talk together
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Polemic on the forum
I write here the "history" so that you can give your comments after you read it all:
Cinema OVS
Message FabTheFrog le Lun 15 Mar 2010 - 16:38
Dear all,
Just to let you know that if you are interested I ma joining few OVS people to watch " Invictus" this evening ( 20 H00) at l'Alambra.
I also registered the boulogne activity on the site OVS.com and few people are already thinking about coming to the Tot ou T'art;
I guess someone should do the same on OVS website for the Tuesday session in Calais.
PS: karaoké at le tot out'art last week was good fun and Ireally enjoy the Volley-ball in Desvres last Friday with OVS people too. If you want to join, it's free !
Re: Cinema OVS
Message FabTheFrog le Lun 15 Mar 2010 - 16:39
Just accept my apologies for sopelling mistakes, my screen is too far lol !
Re: Cinema OVS
Message Admin le Mar 16 Mar 2010 - 23:16
Please don't use caps in title: please accept the "rules" (http://[...]/netiquette-du-forum-regles-de-bonne-conduite-lors-de-la-redaction-d-un-message-t87.htm)
You can reedit your own message (http://[...]/rectifier-un-message-prealablement-envoye-t96.htm)
"Rabat joie"
Dernière édition par Admin le Jeu 18 Mar 2010 - 15:32, édité 2 fois
Message FabTheFrog Hier à 0:03
It's ceratinly rabat-joie indeed; how would you write then organisations names like ONG or ONU or even USN ?
You wouldn't write it in small letters ?
would you ?
Re: Cinema OVS
Message Admin Hier à 0:14
I am a rabat joie always formating people using this forum
I can actually write titles in small letters, but I want to teach people without becoming a "bad" cop!
As I was requested yesterday not to quit the forum and keep writing on it, I am going to write a small story ( I told yesterdy to few in Boulogne) which happened to my brother just few days ago; his car key was not working anymore and it was not due to the battery. he went to his car dealer ( where he bought his car) and asked for a repair or replacement since his car is still under garantee.
The car dealer said that it was not covered by the garantee and my brother had to order a new one : 150 euros !
My brother asked why and he said that it was just not covered. That's all. Then my brother said : "if you tell me a real and good reason, I might accept it but what you are telling me is not a reason". As he was already talking to the director of the concession then my brother insisted that he checked within the Citroen network and " headoffice".
Then a couple of day later or so he was told that they will change/replace his key for free .
So if I am told to write titles on this forum in small letters ( and not capital letters) I would like to know why. And will or will not then accept it. I beleive indeed that once we start concentrating on the form or the letter , we have already lost the spirit and the essence of our goals.
The message of the café Polyglotte is that everybody on this planet, without limit to his origin, religion, tribe, language or else should be linked and communicate together, even if we/they do not speak or write perfectly in the used language.
This would erase gradually fear of the unknown, develop understanding, compassion, love of course, and eventually lift standards and spiritual levels in areas where in some cases human life worth nothing and where people are killed for nothing, imprisoned, tortured, the press is a ruler(s) propaganda tool and censured etc... .
Back to the subject, on any forum, we need of course moderators ( and actually I was asked to be one of them; so I guess now I am going to be banned if not damned!); This is to prevent people to use the forum for illicit activities, discussions as well as to make sure communication is done in respect of all.
As I have used Email for decades now, I know and understand that writing in capital letters might be understood as agressive, or being a sign of anger, ( just like someone shouting instead of speaking); however it's quite rare for titles and even less when mentioning (international) organisation known by their (first) letters .
Finally something to talk about ! Isn't what this forum is made for ?
What do you think ? Just obey, don't ask question ?
This forum is ours, we make it by writing on it; because we exist. If we did not exist there would not be a forum. If we were not writing anything it would have died. Still it was a great and hard technical job to create it ! But at the end was anyone offended because I wrote CINEMA instead of cinema ? Not a big deal indeed !
Still, I appreciate that my message was not censured/deleted that time, and I am pleased to see that the Tuesday Calais gathering was put by Muriel on the OVS website program and that there is already few reaction from people and even teachers.
Very Happy
Re: Cinema OVS
Message Admin Aujourd'hui à 15:43
As I said previously, you can find here the rules of the forum (now as "netiquette").
As you said, write in caps is view like agressive. Of course you can let sigles (like "OVS") and first letters in caps!
I agree that CINEMA is not a big deal, but if people saw that, they will do the same.
It's a forum, not a trash bin!!!
So if I try to translate, the answer is: you cannot write CINEMA in capital letters in the title because people using the forum might do the same and then it also means that they consider the forum as a trash bin.
Well for me, it's not a acceptable/appropriate answer. I personnaly don't mind if one day some write in the title: LET'S GO RIDING BICYCLE ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON (for instance). It's a point of view of course and anyone can have his own....Bye bye
Cinema OVS
Message FabTheFrog le Lun 15 Mar 2010 - 16:38
Dear all,
Just to let you know that if you are interested I ma joining few OVS people to watch " Invictus" this evening ( 20 H00) at l'Alambra.
I also registered the boulogne activity on the site OVS.com and few people are already thinking about coming to the Tot ou T'art;
I guess someone should do the same on OVS website for the Tuesday session in Calais.
PS: karaoké at le tot out'art last week was good fun and Ireally enjoy the Volley-ball in Desvres last Friday with OVS people too. If you want to join, it's free !
Re: Cinema OVS
Message FabTheFrog le Lun 15 Mar 2010 - 16:39
Just accept my apologies for sopelling mistakes, my screen is too far lol !
Re: Cinema OVS
Message Admin le Mar 16 Mar 2010 - 23:16
Please don't use caps in title: please accept the "rules" (http://[...]/netiquette-du-forum-regles-de-bonne-conduite-lors-de-la-redaction-d-un-message-t87.htm)
You can reedit your own message (http://[...]/rectifier-un-message-prealablement-envoye-t96.htm)
"Rabat joie"
Dernière édition par Admin le Jeu 18 Mar 2010 - 15:32, édité 2 fois
Message FabTheFrog Hier à 0:03
It's ceratinly rabat-joie indeed; how would you write then organisations names like ONG or ONU or even USN ?
You wouldn't write it in small letters ?
would you ?
Re: Cinema OVS
Message Admin Hier à 0:14
I am a rabat joie always formating people using this forum
I can actually write titles in small letters, but I want to teach people without becoming a "bad" cop!
As I was requested yesterday not to quit the forum and keep writing on it, I am going to write a small story ( I told yesterdy to few in Boulogne) which happened to my brother just few days ago; his car key was not working anymore and it was not due to the battery. he went to his car dealer ( where he bought his car) and asked for a repair or replacement since his car is still under garantee.
The car dealer said that it was not covered by the garantee and my brother had to order a new one : 150 euros !
My brother asked why and he said that it was just not covered. That's all. Then my brother said : "if you tell me a real and good reason, I might accept it but what you are telling me is not a reason". As he was already talking to the director of the concession then my brother insisted that he checked within the Citroen network and " headoffice".
Then a couple of day later or so he was told that they will change/replace his key for free .
So if I am told to write titles on this forum in small letters ( and not capital letters) I would like to know why. And will or will not then accept it. I beleive indeed that once we start concentrating on the form or the letter , we have already lost the spirit and the essence of our goals.
The message of the café Polyglotte is that everybody on this planet, without limit to his origin, religion, tribe, language or else should be linked and communicate together, even if we/they do not speak or write perfectly in the used language.
This would erase gradually fear of the unknown, develop understanding, compassion, love of course, and eventually lift standards and spiritual levels in areas where in some cases human life worth nothing and where people are killed for nothing, imprisoned, tortured, the press is a ruler(s) propaganda tool and censured etc... .
Back to the subject, on any forum, we need of course moderators ( and actually I was asked to be one of them; so I guess now I am going to be banned if not damned!); This is to prevent people to use the forum for illicit activities, discussions as well as to make sure communication is done in respect of all.
As I have used Email for decades now, I know and understand that writing in capital letters might be understood as agressive, or being a sign of anger, ( just like someone shouting instead of speaking); however it's quite rare for titles and even less when mentioning (international) organisation known by their (first) letters .
Finally something to talk about ! Isn't what this forum is made for ?
What do you think ? Just obey, don't ask question ?
This forum is ours, we make it by writing on it; because we exist. If we did not exist there would not be a forum. If we were not writing anything it would have died. Still it was a great and hard technical job to create it ! But at the end was anyone offended because I wrote CINEMA instead of cinema ? Not a big deal indeed !
Still, I appreciate that my message was not censured/deleted that time, and I am pleased to see that the Tuesday Calais gathering was put by Muriel on the OVS website program and that there is already few reaction from people and even teachers.
Very Happy
Re: Cinema OVS
Message Admin Aujourd'hui à 15:43
As I said previously, you can find here the rules of the forum (now as "netiquette").
As you said, write in caps is view like agressive. Of course you can let sigles (like "OVS") and first letters in caps!
I agree that CINEMA is not a big deal, but if people saw that, they will do the same.
It's a forum, not a trash bin!!!
So if I try to translate, the answer is: you cannot write CINEMA in capital letters in the title because people using the forum might do the same and then it also means that they consider the forum as a trash bin.
Well for me, it's not a acceptable/appropriate answer. I personnaly don't mind if one day some write in the title: LET'S GO RIDING BICYCLE ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON (for instance). It's a point of view of course and anyone can have his own....Bye bye
Re: Polemic on the forum
If someday of a sunny week end there're 2 posts:
- Let's go riding bicycle on Sunday morning
when did you bike? Personaly, I prefer to run with the less agressive groupe! (But it's my choise)
- Let's go riding bicycle on Sunday morning
when did you bike? Personaly, I prefer to run with the less agressive groupe! (But it's my choise)
Re: Polemic on the forum
I have the pleasure of knowing both Fab and Admin and I would like to pay them a drink this coming tuesday in Calais ! Is this possible gentleman ?
Take care
Take care
FlyingDutchman- Messages : 19
Lieu : Le Touquet
Langues : Neerlandais (langue maternelle), Fr, Gb
Re: Polemic on the forum
I will be at the café next tuesday. It will be a pleasure to see you again, Jaap and to meet Fab too!
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Café polyglotte sur le net (Language forum) :: salons en différentes langues (Lounges in various languages) :: Let's talk together
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