Café polyglotte sur le net (Language forum)
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language festival in lille

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language festival in lille Empty language festival in lille

Message  PeterM Jeu 25 Mar - 17:35

Hello to anybody who has joined us since visiting the Polyglotte stand last week in Lille;welcome to the forum,and to those of you who have gone to a group in person; it was a very enjoyable day,we met a lot of Muriels family,and were kept going by Agnes's chocolate brownie cakes;
We had a few new members for the Boulogne group this week,but this was down to Fabien 'fab the frog ' doing a great job of advertizing on the net,and not to us at the festival,so well done to him; he was also doing a great job at the festival in Lille,but unfortunately had to leave before the group photo was taken,Muriel will have to get it taken earlier next time maybe,but she was so busy and put so much work into the stall,and the festival,that i am sure everybody will want to join me in giving her a big pat on the back,well done Muriel;
For those of you who have seen the photo,its Ten points for all those who think i look like 'Dame Edna ', and only Five points for all those who think i look like 'Sir Les ';
Yes its time for another traipse down british comedy memory lane; Dame Edna Everage and Sir Les Patterson, both played by the outragous Barry Humphreys,who as we all know was an out and out Aussie, ( Aussie is an Austrailien for our french,non cricket playing friends,but we won't hold that against them);
Back to the festival,and if numbers were anything to go by,i think the Lille group should have welcomed many new faces this week,if the people who promised to give it a try actually turned up; Cheers for now, Peter

Messages : 15
Lieu : Boulogne
Langues : Irlandais, Gb (Langue maternelle), Fr

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language festival in lille Empty Language festival

Message  MurielB Jeu 25 Mar - 18:20

Yes I want to expess my deep gratitude to those who joined our polyglot stand last week-end. The festival was a success and as Agnes said we could do so many cross-cultural things : taste cooking specialities, see a lot of books, talk many languages but what I liked best was to share with my polyglot friends the same enthousiam for our dream come true (One day I hope) : Bringing together all the polyglots in our network like a big family cheers

Messages : 18371
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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