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Jimmy P psychotherapy of a plains indian

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Jimmy P psychotherapy of a plains indian Empty Jimmy P psychotherapy of a plains indian

Message  MurielB Sam 14 Sep - 23:25

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The story recounts, session-by-session, how a doctor cures a Native American patient for post-WWII trauma, at a hospital in Topeka. The patient is Jimmy Picard, a Blackfoot Indian who is suffering from inexplicable dizzy spells, headaches and temporary blindness. The doctor is Georges Devereux, a Jew of Romanian origin working at the intersection of anthropology and psychoanalysis, and considered an insolent troublemaker by his peers.
Desplechin films the mutual progress of the doctor and his patient with a lyricism reminiscent of François Truffaut’s handling of his “wild child”. Between seemingly identical work sessions, each set apart by creative use of aerial shots, there are interludes. Notably, that of the psychoanalyst with a French mistress (Gina McKee, excellent), split between two men and two lives. Tender, sensual and nostalgic moments, used sparingly. Through them, we feel the film-maker’s taste for short-lived connections, whether of love or friendship. Nothing lasts, but this film is precisely an ode to the complicity that unites people and endures long after their physical separation. That connection of empathy is moving. That faith in the most mysterious and unsettling aspect of humanity: the power to help each other - if not love each other - over time. Arnaud Desplechin is a humanist. He is as at odds with this world as his heroes are, and that’s what makes him rare and precious.
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I advise you to go and see this film from Arnaud Desplechin
It is about  psychoanalysis. The doctor is a jew of Romanina origin and the patient is an indian. The idian  got a trauma during world war II but it is his life which has been full of difficulties. He was born in an indian reserve and has been traumatized all his life so he takes refuge in alcohol.
The relation between the two men is very strong though they are very different. Any way they both can't keep the woman they love (My point of view)When the indian had his first love, he thought she was unfaithful (She was not and she truely loved him) The second one was superficial and found somebody else when he was at war, the last one was a bar girl who just passed by but helped him to sort out all his problems? The doctor sincerely loved his mistress but wasn't clear with her.  At the end, the indian adopts the daughter he had abandoned.
Very moving and good film

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