American Fooding
2 participants
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American Fooding
Hi everyone,
Lines hereunder to report what the present situation in (miw of nationalism, precaution, etc):
- "aisle" - I knew aisle was used for planes, Church but didn't know about hypermarkets
However 2 expressions: "the film had us rolling in the aisles" / "to lead sb down the aisle"
- American casual vocabulary
- American naivety
- Am. determination
Lines hereunder to report what the present situation in (miw of nationalism, precaution, etc):
Note:Susan H.
I went to Walmart for paper goods and took a walk down the frozen/chiller aisles. Overload of so called "natural, farmed and wild caught" food from China. I wouldn't touch that crapola with a ten foot barge pole.
Susan H - I try not to, food from China I won't purchase period. I dumped a lot from my pantry after I started reading about their horrific pollution. Felt like I'd taken a long shower.
I do feel sad for those buying it for their families, I mean fish it is supposed to be good for you right....
Ken O - There track record for cleanliness and corruption is not good, we have got so many warning about some of the food that comes from there if we could write it down it would fill a roll of toilet paper. But sometimes we dont have any control, example, buy a new computer , the intel motherboard and processor, hard drives and such, all manufactured in China. But I got my day in court about a month ago, I bought a little saute pan at Walmart, when the girl rang it up and I was supposed to pay, I said wait, I changed my mind I dont want this, so the girl had to get the manager to void the sale at the register and when she asked me if there was something wrong with it, i told her I dont buy anything made in china
- "aisle" - I knew aisle was used for planes, Church but didn't know about hypermarkets
However 2 expressions: "the film had us rolling in the aisles" / "to lead sb down the aisle"
- American casual vocabulary
- American naivety
- Am. determination
Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.
Re: American Fooding
Top 10 Ways to Buy Organic When You’re on a Budget
Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.
Re: American Fooding
I didn't know the expressions "the film had us rolling in the aisles" / "to lead sb down the aisle"and I also found the text naïve but straightforward.gerardM a écrit:Hi everyone,
Lines hereunder to report what the present situation in (miw of nationalism, precaution, etc):Note:Susan H.
I went to Walmart for paper goods and took a walk down the frozen/chiller aisles. Overload of so called "natural, farmed and wild caught" food from China. I wouldn't touch that crapola with a ten foot barge pole.
Susan H - I try not to, food from China I won't purchase period. I dumped a lot from my pantry after I started reading about their horrific pollution. Felt like I'd taken a long shower.
I do feel sad for those buying it for their families, I mean fish it is supposed to be good for you right....
Ken O - There track record for cleanliness and corruption is not good, we have got so many warning about some of the food that comes from there if we could write it down it would fill a roll of toilet paper. But sometimes we dont have any control, example, buy a new computer , the intel motherboard and processor, hard drives and such, all manufactured in China. But I got my day in court about a month ago, I bought a little saute pan at Walmart, when the girl rang it up and I was supposed to pay, I said wait, I changed my mind I dont want this, so the girl had to get the manager to void the sale at the register and when she asked me if there was something wrong with it, i told her I dont buy anything made in china
- "aisle" - I knew aisle was used for planes, Church but didn't know about hypermarkets
However 2 expressions: "the film had us rolling in the aisles" / "to lead sb down the aisle"
- American casual vocabulary
- American naivety
- Am. determination
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Language is The Link,
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MurielB- Admin
- Messages : 18158
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois
Café polyglotte sur le net (Language forum) :: salons en différentes langues (Lounges in various languages) :: Let's talk together
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