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Vivre à Londres Vocable 683 Newsweek by robert Low

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Vivre à Londres Vocable 683 Newsweek by robert Low Empty Vivre à Londres Vocable 683 Newsweek by robert Low

Message  MurielB Mar 25 Mar - 13:38

But it is not just rich celebrities who have chosen to live abroad and even ditch their citizenship rather than pay France's high taxes. They are following in the footsteps of hundreds of thousands of French people who have quietly moved abroad in search of a better life.
Their main destination is Great Britain, right next door. The United Kingdom may be France's historic enemy, but young French people with an urge to make money or start their own businesses are flocking to it.
With 70 percent of the French thinking taxes are "excessive" and 80 percent believing President François Hollande's economic policies "misguided," they are attracted by the benefits of a less regulated economy, more relaxed labor laws, a more meritocratic society, a lively business networking scene, a large pool of professional talent, and easier access to investment capital. And all this only a two-hour Eurostar train ride from London to Paris, making it easy to stay in touch with family and friends

In England they recognize talents in individuals and are not so rigid as in France. Risk-taking is possible and easy access to investment capital as well

Vivre à Londres Vocable 683 Newsweek by robert Low Image_10
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Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
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Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

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