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National selfie day : 21st of june.

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National selfie day : 21st of june.  Empty National selfie day : 21st of june.

Message  MurielB Jeu 21 Juin - 22:38

National selfie day : 21st of june.  1-18
Today, selfies are everywhere, from publicity stunts at the Academy Awards to research in academia, not to mention the Facebook walls and Twitter feeds of our favorite celebrities and of our friends and neighbors. One 2015 study posed the idea that our selfies can say a lot about our character and personality. And a 2018 report even solidified what we’ve all suspected for years: yes, our noses really do look bigger in selfies because of the camera angling.

The researchers define selfies as "a self-portrait photograph of oneself (or of oneself and other people), taken with a camera or a camera phone held at arm’s length or pointed at a mirror, that is usually shared through social media.”why do we do selfies ? Is it a proof of narcissism ?  why  has this trend become so prevalent ? what do you think ?

National selfie day : 21st of june.  Image_10
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