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Aviation radio communication

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Aviation radio communication Empty Aviation radio communication

Message  Invité Mer 26 Jan - 11:32

Hello !

As you can see on my avatar I enjoy flying.

When flying abroad, it’s now compulsory for French pilots to pass an English exam and show that they’re able to communicate with ATC (Air Traffic Control).

I intend to take this exam so I’ve learned the vocabulary and I listen to ATC online.

Thanks to the link below you can listen to NY JFK (KJFK code), Dublin, Shannon, Geneva, Orly etc and if you’re lucky, you can hear them joking! rubrique « insolite »
Entendu sur la fréquence Sol de Toulouse Blagnac (121.90 MHz) :
Un matin avec un banc de brouillard assez fin qui masquait les pistes. Après quelques atterrissages d'A320 et de 737, arrive un 747 qui n'était pas un habitué du terrain. Une fois posé, cherchant à regagner le parking, le pilote émet un doute quant à sa position. La contrôleuse, pleine de bonne volonté, cherchant à rassurer le pilote, lui dit du plus naturellement du monde :
« Vous êtes sur Papa 40, j'en suis sûre, je vois votre queue qui dépasse du brouillard. », ce à quoi le pilote plein d'humour répondit : « Vous êtes sûre que vous ne voyez pas ma dérive plutôt ? ».


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Aviation radio communication Empty Re: Aviation radio communication

Message  gerardM Mer 26 Jan - 15:46

Hi François,

Thanks a lot for your message for several reasons:

- I'm very pleased to meet you on the forum and get the opportunity to exchange with you

- thanks for the story from Blagnac!
Couldn't hear anything that funny on ATC Online yet!

- listening to any accent, getting any experience of foreign language are useful to become more knowledgeable... at the moment, I'm connected to Toronto Approach and am trying to catch the technical messages
One of my friends was a US pilot (military then civil): I'm going to forward the link so that he can go back to "Ye olde good times" Wink

Good luck for your exams!

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Aviation radio communication Empty Re: Aviation radio communication

Message  MurielB Mer 26 Jan - 21:55

Thanks a lot, François for sharing your passion with us. I don't know anything about flying and I am rather scared at the idea of driving a plane. Anyway I find flying a state-of -the -art technology, a dream come true alien

Messages : 18256
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Aviation radio communication Empty Re: Aviation radio communication

Message  Invité Mer 26 Jan - 22:33

Thank you Muriel and Gérard for your kind answer and your encouragement.
This topic is for me a good opportunity to speak and talk in english, maintain, transmit my vocabulary...
I'm indeed very pleased too to talk to you via the web, this marvelous tool!


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