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Feeling stressed ? hug a cow

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Feeling stressed ? hug a cow Empty Feeling stressed ? hug a cow

Message  MurielB Mer 24 Mar - 18:04

A Dutch farm is offering cow cuddling as a form of therapy. Those who want a spot of “koe knuffelen” (or cow hugging) start by taking a tour of the farm before hugging one of the cows for up to three hours. The cow’s warmer body temperature and slower heartbeat is believed to promote positivity and reduce stress by boosting oxytocin in humans, the hormone released in social bonding.

Feeling stressed? Why not hug a cow? | The Week UK
Hi everyone
I have noticed that pony riding helps children to stay calm. Indeed, they have to brush them gently and avoid sudden movements. The same goes for cows.  Once a  mutual trust has been established between the animal and the person, it is time to move on to the most interesting  part: the cuddling and the gentle caresses. A session lasts on average two hours and is suitable for those who want to relax from everyday life and enjoy contact with animals, including children.

Feeling stressed ? hug a cow Image_10
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