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Funny Pics / Funny Stories

6 participants

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Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 Empty Re: Funny Pics / Funny Stories

Message  MurielB Ven 21 Aoû - 10:10

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La langue c'est Le Lien, Language is The Link, La Lengua es el Nexo de unión, Sprache ist die Verbindung, Il Linguaggio è Il Legame, La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 17967
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 Empty Re: Funny Pics / Funny Stories

Message  MurielB Ven 3 Sep - 14:12

Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 39d0d210

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La langue c'est Le Lien, Language is The Link, La Lengua es el Nexo de unión, Sprache ist die Verbindung, Il Linguaggio è Il Legame, La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 17967
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 Empty Re: Funny Pics / Funny Stories

Message  MurielB Mar 14 Sep - 12:33

Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 026f9710

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La langue c'est Le Lien, Language is The Link, La Lengua es el Nexo de unión, Sprache ist die Verbindung, Il Linguaggio è Il Legame, La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 17967
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

Guilaine aime ce message

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Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 Empty Russian Humour

Message  johnB Mer 15 Sep - 15:53

Some time ago in Russia there were only party officials who were allowed cars and there was a lot of speeding. Traffic policemen were told to give out fines no matter who was involved.
One Sunday evening President Putin was leaving his cabin in the country . He said to his driver we are going to be late back to Moscow. You'd better let me drive. Soon they were speeding back to Moscow and they were seen by two traffic policemen on motorcycles. One officer gave chase and five minutes later he was back with his colleague.

Colleague 1 : Did you give them a fine ?
Colleague 2. " No".
Colleague 1. " Why not ? "
Colleague 2. "Because they were too important "
Colleague 1. " Who was it ?
Colleague 2. " I've no idea but President Putin was his driver. " johnB.


Messages : 66
Lieu : Croydon
Langues : Gb(l.mater) Fr Esp

Remy aime ce message

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Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 Empty Re: Funny Pics / Funny Stories

Message  MurielB Mer 15 Sep - 23:07

Laughing Laughing Laughing

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La langue c'est Le Lien, Language is The Link, La Lengua es el Nexo de unión, Sprache ist die Verbindung, Il Linguaggio è Il Legame, La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 17967
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 Empty Re: Funny Pics / Funny Stories

Message  MurielB Lun 20 Sep - 9:36

Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 F40dcf10

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La langue c'est Le Lien, Language is The Link, La Lengua es el Nexo de unión, Sprache ist die Verbindung, Il Linguaggio è Il Legame, La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 17967
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

Guilaine aime ce message

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Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 Empty Re: Funny Pics / Funny Stories

Message  MurielB Lun 3 Jan - 23:45

Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 8b798210

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La langue c'est Le Lien, Language is The Link, La Lengua es el Nexo de unión, Sprache ist die Verbindung, Il Linguaggio è Il Legame, La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 17967
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

Guilaine et Remy aiment ce message

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Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 Empty Re: Funny Pics / Funny Stories

Message  MurielB Lun 9 Mai - 23:10

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La langue c'est Le Lien, Language is The Link, La Lengua es el Nexo de unión, Sprache ist die Verbindung, Il Linguaggio è Il Legame, La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 17967
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

Guilaine aime ce message

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Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 Empty Re: Funny Pics / Funny Stories

Message  MikouteB Lun 11 Juil - 13:08

Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 77882f10


Messages : 152
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Gb, De, It, Es ch

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Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 Empty Re: Funny Pics / Funny Stories

Message  MikouteB Mer 31 Aoû - 21:19

Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 B01bfd10
A blonde walked into an electronics store and said to the salesmen: "I want that tv."

The salesperson shook his head and said, "No, we don't sell to blondes."

So the blonde left and came back with her hair dyed brown and said: "I'll take that tv."

Again the salesman said: "No, we don't sell to blondes."

So she left again and came back with her hair dyed black and said: "I want that tv."

But the salesman still said: "No, we don't sell to blondes."

Finally the blonde got fed up and said, "That's it! How'd you know I was a blonde?!" she asked.

The salesman answered: "Cause that's a microwave."


Messages : 152
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Gb, De, It, Es ch

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Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 Empty Re: Funny Pics / Funny Stories

Message  MurielB Mer 26 Oct - 16:17

Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 2bec6310

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La langue c'est Le Lien, Language is The Link, La Lengua es el Nexo de unión, Sprache ist die Verbindung, Il Linguaggio è Il Legame, La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 17967
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 Empty Re: Funny Pics / Funny Stories

Message  MurielB Dim 27 Nov - 20:45

Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 B603fc10

Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 434432271_837995898367711_696139415373841831_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=2285d6&_nc_ohc=oayqvB2kHVAQ7kNvgH883zj&_nc_ht=scontent.flil1-1
La langue c'est Le Lien, Language is The Link, La Lengua es el Nexo de unión, Sprache ist die Verbindung, Il Linguaggio è Il Legame, La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 17967
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 Empty Re: Funny Pics / Funny Stories

Message  MurielB Sam 7 Jan - 23:15

Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 F1f7e510

Messages : 17967
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 Empty Re: Funny Pics / Funny Stories

Message  MurielB Ven 9 Juin - 23:11

Kidding around

On a Miami­ to Chicago flight was a lively youngster who nearly drove everyone crazy. He was running up and down the aisle when the flight attendant started serving coffee. He ran smack into her, knocking a cup of coffee out of her hand and onto the floor.

As he stood by watching her clean up the mess, she glanced up at the boy and said, ‘”Look, why don’t you go and play outside?”

Funny Pics / Funny Stories - Page 22 434432271_837995898367711_696139415373841831_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=2285d6&_nc_ohc=oayqvB2kHVAQ7kNvgH883zj&_nc_ht=scontent.flil1-1
La langue c'est Le Lien, Language is The Link, La Lengua es el Nexo de unión, Sprache ist die Verbindung, Il Linguaggio è Il Legame, La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 17967
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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