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Geography And Bee-Yond

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Geography And Bee-Yond Empty Geography And Bee-Yond

Message  gerardM Lun 20 Mai - 21:46

Hi everyone,

Who says Americans are hopeless at geography? Not me!

The National Geographic is going to celebrate its 25th edition of the GeoBee Challenge.

Celebrate 25 Years
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the National Geographic Bee, the national finals will be held in a larger DC venue with tickets available to the public. Get your tickets for the May 22 finals and see the top ten students compete live with Alex Trebek moderating.
Each year thousands of schools in the US participate in the National Geographic Bee. This exciting and highly competitive contest encourages teachers to include geography in their classrooms, sparks students’ curiosity about our world and increases public interest in geography. The Bee culminates in an entertaining, dramatic, and extremely challenging test of knowledge between stellar students who have made it over the hurdles to appear at the national level. This year—marked by the Bee’s 25th anniversary and Alex Trebek’s last year as host—the event will take place at historic National Theatre in downtown Washington, DC.

Tickets available only through the National Geographic Ticket Office.

Believe me - a few years ago, I read the questions and the level is high!

Go compete! Good luck!

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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