liz Mccomb : A Gospel diva
Café polyglotte sur le net (Language forum) :: salons en différentes langues (Lounges in various languages) :: Let's talk together
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liz Mccomb : A Gospel diva
I have just heard an interview from Liz McComb who said that so long you love you are a bottomless well of love. If you don't give it away, you become empty, but as long you give it away, it's always more to have.
Nice isn't it ? She always quotes (From william Shakespeare " If music be the food of love play on...)
Here is a song from that Gospel diva I particularly like.
Nice isn't it ? She always quotes (From william Shakespeare " If music be the food of love play on...)
Here is a song from that Gospel diva I particularly like.
La langue c'est Le Lien,
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung,
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.
MurielB- Admin
- Messages : 18228
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois
Café polyglotte sur le net (Language forum) :: salons en différentes langues (Lounges in various languages) :: Let's talk together
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