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Are we erratic object in a dislocated world ?

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Are we erratic object in a dislocated world ? Empty Are we erratic object in a dislocated world ?

Message  Teilhard Mar 24 Aoû - 13:58

For Teilhard, the basic human task is “the spiritualization of the Universe «and for its part the Universe is striving to becoming psyche or idea. Spiritualization might sound like an esoteric process. It is not. The more familiar name is Research. For Teilhard research refers particularly to the work of the scientist, but it is also the work of every human. Scientific research is praised as a «vital function” involving a mystical hope. Research is the solemn, prime occupation of man, now adult. But each individual does research into the world. Research must begin with an idea, an hypothesis, a tentative way of seeing a unity in the universe. One must then test the hypothesis: in the world of matter: this is research. One turn to matter, not to dissolve in it as the foundation of the Universe were material. This is what he was doing before the reversal that he recounted in his first essay. Now in going back to matter, he goes with an idea in mind (having an idea in mind would not be an acceptable path for Buddhist Nirvana); as a scientist he would go back to matter only with the intention of returning to the hypothesis and know if wax verified


Messages : 70
Lieu : Sans (Lille)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Gb, Es

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