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A british comedian takes on jihadis

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A british comedian takes on jihadis Empty A british comedian takes on jihadis

Message  Admin Mar 25 Aoû - 19:06

To fight against the radicalization of young people, the special operations unit of the East Midlands in UK has appealed a young Muslim comedian of 29 years very well known on the Internet. Henceforth "bad man" silonne England to make; the prevention in schools. An alternative way to "talk" to a difficult minority to approach.

Humza Arshad pokes fun at Pakistani accent and emotional soccer fan. He jokes about his weight, voice, and his own mother. But mostly, he laughts at jihadists. He said "Listen, I'm here for 2 reasons: nro. 1 I'm a british citizen and I'm proud of where I'm from. Nro 2,I don't want people losing their live. That's not what Isla; is about.

Henceforth ...................... desormais
To pokes fun .................. tourner en derision

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