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Sneakers take a step up in class

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Sneakers take a step up in class Empty Sneakers take a step up in class

Message  MurielB Mer 13 Juil - 22:29

Sneakers take a step up in class 35_1_1

"There was a time even in the '70s when it wasn't acceptable to show up in sneakers to restaurants, clubs, churches," Williams said."Now there are people getting married in sneakers."

The age of the sneaker and its influence on men's fashion may get a further boost with "The Rise of Sneaker Culture," opened in the end of 2015 at the Brooklyn Museum. Elizabeth Semmelhack said that sneakers are allowing men to express their individuality in increasingly nuanced way and it is true that men are less formatted as they used to be which is a very good thing !

Sneakers take a step up in class Image_10
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