Café polyglotte sur le net (Language forum) :: salons en différentes langues (Lounges in various languages) :: Let's talk together
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Press release
A group of British residents and local French supporters have formed a group to promote their interests post-Brexit. Called British Association Cote d’Opale the inaugural meeting was held in Calais on 12 July.
Its main aim is to monitor how ex-pats could be affected and lobby for the improvement of possible adverse conditions as the aftermath of Brexit unfolds. Currently there are 15 members and further recruitment follows.
Apart from its main purpose BACO will also be a social association to bring Brits and French together in a series of planned events. It would welcome contact with any other such groups or individuals concerned about the future for UK ex-pats in France.
Press contact: John Clarke – john.clarke@sfr.fr - 0612517822
President: Kristina Howells – info.britishassociationopale@gmail.com
A group of British residents and local French supporters have formed a group to promote their interests post-Brexit. Called British Association Cote d’Opale the inaugural meeting was held in Calais on 12 July.
Its main aim is to monitor how ex-pats could be affected and lobby for the improvement of possible adverse conditions as the aftermath of Brexit unfolds. Currently there are 15 members and further recruitment follows.
Apart from its main purpose BACO will also be a social association to bring Brits and French together in a series of planned events. It would welcome contact with any other such groups or individuals concerned about the future for UK ex-pats in France.
Press contact: John Clarke – john.clarke@sfr.fr - 0612517822
President: Kristina Howells – info.britishassociationopale@gmail.com
La langue c'est Le Lien,
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung,
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.
MurielB- Admin
- Messages : 18359
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois
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Café polyglotte sur le net (Language forum) :: salons en différentes langues (Lounges in various languages) :: Let's talk together
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