yin and yang
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yin and yang
Of course it is also important to fight against men's disrespect
Men and women are complementary and domestic violence is a crime ! Fabien asked me to insert that link on the forum. See for yourselves how a woman fought against women's disrespect.Women’s bodies are more Yin and men’s bodies are more yang. Women get unhealthy when they are not good at being receptive, because they are not utilizing their primary energetic trait, which is receptivity. Men become unhealthy when they do not utilize their gifts of contribution and creativity, which are their primary energetic traits.
Of course it is also important to fight against men's disrespect
La langue c'est Le Lien,
Language is The Link,
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MurielB- Admin
- Messages : 18188
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois
Yin and Yang
Yin & Yang («dark and bright») are the two opposite forces of dualistic cosmology in zoroastrianism and manichaesism. They refer to a philosophical concept. It’s very tempting to apply them metaphorically to anything non-philosohical, such as for instance the biological or mental difference between men and women, the functional difference between the cerebral hemispheres of the human brain, etc. Ask a neurologist about. He’ll not give you a clear answer, especially as our neuronal network is not limited to the brain : it extends to the whole body.
This way, the discourse whether women are physically more «Yin» (or less «Yang») than men is just an idle fancy (vue de l’esprit). Men and women are but human beings, nothing else. We, humans, rely upon Science to solve our metaphysical doubts and our internal social conflicts, such as the itchy queston of Women’s Rights against Men’s Rights. Complete nonsense !
In the recent Corsican «burkini» case, women turn out to be disregarded, beyond Yin or Yang, as second-rate beings.
So what !?
This way, the discourse whether women are physically more «Yin» (or less «Yang») than men is just an idle fancy (vue de l’esprit). Men and women are but human beings, nothing else. We, humans, rely upon Science to solve our metaphysical doubts and our internal social conflicts, such as the itchy queston of Women’s Rights against Men’s Rights. Complete nonsense !
In the recent Corsican «burkini» case, women turn out to be disregarded, beyond Yin or Yang, as second-rate beings.
So what !?
Philippe-Henri- Messages : 254
Lieu : Lille
Langues : Néerlandais (Langue maternelle), Fr, Gb
Thanks Henri for your very interesting comments.
Some people believe in the intertwined duality of all things in nature (living creatures included) and think that an harmony between those two aspects of life should be respected. In this way they like an equal importance of those aspects in every field of human Life : work, family, business because it is much richer
Anyway Everyone has a mix of yin and yang qualities. Men can be feminine and women masculine or have a mix of each élément . Every relationship should be harmonious of course and domestic violence ist against the true world order
Some people believe in the intertwined duality of all things in nature (living creatures included) and think that an harmony between those two aspects of life should be respected. In this way they like an equal importance of those aspects in every field of human Life : work, family, business because it is much richer
Anyway Everyone has a mix of yin and yang qualities. Men can be feminine and women masculine or have a mix of each élément . Every relationship should be harmonious of course and domestic violence ist against the true world order
La langue c'est Le Lien,
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung,
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.
MurielB- Admin
- Messages : 18188
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois
Yin and Yang
Thank you, Muriel, for your contribution. You point out that «some people believe in the «intertwined duality of all things in nature […]». I dont believe so. My belief is that any people who are somehow clued-up on philosophy and even science will admit the general principle of duality in nature, were it but in traditional and nuclear physics (binary code,electromagnetism, positive and negative charges etc.).
All our «laws», except for quantum logics, are based upon deterministic reasoning, which is the cornerstone of historical, moral, ontological, metaphysical and philosophical dualism (Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Taoism, Confucianism…)
Unlike you, I believe we should not search for «harmony between those two aspects of [human] life. From a materialistic point of view, whis mine, life is just a whim, a fantasy, a particular form of organization of matter and energy. It doesn’t mean anything important, and certainly does it not in terms of anthropism, i.e. the belief that human beings should be fundamentally different from everything else in nature and that the cosmos was made for them. Short, our existence is absolutely meaningless. Current progress in cosmology and amazing discoveries of extrasolar (and even extra-Galactic) planets where «life» is possible are fuelling the old pipe dreams (chimères) of flying saucers and science fiction. Life is just a twist of fate, so how do you want it, as you put it, in their opposite aspects, to be «harmonious» ?
These were just a few thougts about Yin and Yang…
Philippe-Henri- Messages : 254
Lieu : Lille
Langues : Néerlandais (Langue maternelle), Fr, Gb
Re: yin and yang
Thanks again Henri for comparing your ideas with mine. I find it very interesting.
I think your approach is analytical and mine is synthetic. The yin (spiritual aspect of world) comes from the synthesis of elements at every level. For example a soccer team gives its best when the players play in symbiosis. They are then driven by a force we don't see.
I think your approach is analytical and mine is synthetic. The yin (spiritual aspect of world) comes from the synthesis of elements at every level. For example a soccer team gives its best when the players play in symbiosis. They are then driven by a force we don't see.
La langue c'est Le Lien,
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung,
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.
MurielB- Admin
- Messages : 18188
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois
Yin and Yang
Symbiosis or synergia
I understand what you mean but as a scientist I believe your example of the soccer team mixes up «symbiosis» and «synergia». Symbiosis is when two or more living beings [bios = life] of different species live together to their mutual benefit. Example : the cattle egret (pique-boeuf). This is a small bird living on the back of large grazing mammals. The bird removes ticks and flies from cattle and consumes them, which benefits both species.
In a soccer team, the individual players are [supposed to be] all of the same [human] species. We should therefor speak of «synergia. Synergia refers to the interaction between individual elements, whether living or material, forming an organization with the effect that the potential of the whole is higher than the sum of potentials of the elements taken individually.
Synergia is at work in a transistor. A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals changes the current through another pair of terminals. This way, the output power can be higher than the input power, whence its use in electronics as a signal amplifier.
Sorry for this sidestep to computer engineering, which is not, as far as I know, your «cup of tea».
Back to the more philosophical aspects of the world (Yin and Yang). Prosaicly, things are driven ─ as you put it prosaicly ─ by «something we don't see». Actually, Yin and Yang are just a shortcut to fundamental existentialism. In our present era of quantum mecanics and in the light of the current amazing discoveries in the field of cosmology (extraterrestial and even extragalactic ( !) planets, where many things happen that we cannot see, the question arises : is the world as we experience it, REAL ? Is Einstein’s space-time concept REAL ?
Or do we rely upon Schrödinger’s cat and Heisenberg’s principle of indetermination ? And why not upon Edward Lorenz’s «butterfly effect » ?
I sincerely believe Yin (the spiritual aspect of world) is just a whim, a human fantasy.
But this cannot be discussed about on this Language Forum, of course.
A sincere hug to you anyway.
Your friend Philippe-Henri
I understand what you mean but as a scientist I believe your example of the soccer team mixes up «symbiosis» and «synergia». Symbiosis is when two or more living beings [bios = life] of different species live together to their mutual benefit. Example : the cattle egret (pique-boeuf). This is a small bird living on the back of large grazing mammals. The bird removes ticks and flies from cattle and consumes them, which benefits both species.
In a soccer team, the individual players are [supposed to be] all of the same [human] species. We should therefor speak of «synergia. Synergia refers to the interaction between individual elements, whether living or material, forming an organization with the effect that the potential of the whole is higher than the sum of potentials of the elements taken individually.
Synergia is at work in a transistor. A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals changes the current through another pair of terminals. This way, the output power can be higher than the input power, whence its use in electronics as a signal amplifier.
Sorry for this sidestep to computer engineering, which is not, as far as I know, your «cup of tea».
Back to the more philosophical aspects of the world (Yin and Yang). Prosaicly, things are driven ─ as you put it prosaicly ─ by «something we don't see». Actually, Yin and Yang are just a shortcut to fundamental existentialism. In our present era of quantum mecanics and in the light of the current amazing discoveries in the field of cosmology (extraterrestial and even extragalactic ( !) planets, where many things happen that we cannot see, the question arises : is the world as we experience it, REAL ? Is Einstein’s space-time concept REAL ?
Or do we rely upon Schrödinger’s cat and Heisenberg’s principle of indetermination ? And why not upon Edward Lorenz’s «butterfly effect » ?
I sincerely believe Yin (the spiritual aspect of world) is just a whim, a human fantasy.
But this cannot be discussed about on this Language Forum, of course.
A sincere hug to you anyway.
Your friend Philippe-Henri
Philippe-Henri- Messages : 254
Lieu : Lille
Langues : Néerlandais (Langue maternelle), Fr, Gb
Re: yin and yang
Thanks Henri for reminding me that the right word is "Synergia" your are perfectly right. "Synergia" is the right word ! Any way I also like the word symbiosis because it means a mutual beneficial relationship between two persons, groups, etc and I like the idea. I don't want to impose my ideas on you and I respect your point of view. Thank you for your friendship.your example of the soccer team mixes up «symbiosis» and «synergia».
La langue c'est Le Lien,
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung,
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.
MurielB- Admin
- Messages : 18188
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois
Yin and Yang
To Muriel and to whom it may concern
No further deepening comments. Let me just add that I’m reluctant to use the term «symbiosis» to describe the performance of a soccer team, because all team members belong to the same species (Homo sapiens). At least are they supposed to. Unless Darwin reviews his theory [broad grin].
Moreover, given its etymology, «symbiosis» has an accidental ecological taste, whereas «synergia» results from deliberate interaction and collaboration, as usual in team sports.
You may say I’m a nitpicker (pinailleur) but this is proper to my condition as a polyglot and to my occupation as a translator. No use becoming a polyglot or a translator if you are unable ─ like politicians ─ to link people together by clear definitions. By the way, it’s the job of politicians to «play the fish» (noyer le poisson, to confuse the issue), to use hackneyed phraseology (langue de bois), but this is another problem [LOL].
I like this Polyglot Forum for it really brings people and divergent opinions together. Though I’m not clever at philosophy, this is, I believe, the very idea behind Yin and Yang.
Philippe-Henri- Messages : 254
Lieu : Lille
Langues : Néerlandais (Langue maternelle), Fr, Gb
Re: yin and yang
Philippe Henri a écrit:
I like this Polyglot Forum for it really brings people and divergent opinions together
It's very true Henri. Thanks for writing that !
La langue c'est Le Lien,
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung,
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.
MurielB- Admin
- Messages : 18188
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois
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