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Death of the singer of the Cranberries

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Death of the singer of the Cranberries Empty Death of the singer of the Cranberries

Message  Admin Lun 29 Jan - 10:28

Last monday, the 15 of january 2018, died Dolores O'Riordan, in an hotel room of London at the age of 46.
She was the singer if the popular irish band of the ending 90's and 2000. Do you remember of the songs "Zombie" "Ode to my family" "Just my imagination" ...?
The band starts his career in 1993 with his first album "Everybody else is doing that, so why can't we?",separated from 2003 to 2009 and re formed again After.
The singer was psychologically fragile, she try to suicide last year. We doesn't know exactly what is append but we can imagine, she commit suicide.

Messages : 3372
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français, Gb

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Death of the singer of the Cranberries Empty Re: Death of the singer of the Cranberries

Message  Admin Lun 29 Jan - 10:35

Tribute video with lyrics (for a karaoké!)

Messages : 3372
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français, Gb

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Death of the singer of the Cranberries Empty Re: Death of the singer of the Cranberries

Message  Guilaine Lun 29 Jan - 21:31

Thank you for that tribute video, Florent.
A beautiful lady, a nice voice, a talented artist.
Why do so many gifted people commit suicide, while they seem to have everything to enjoy life ?
I wonder.

Messages : 1122
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Gb, De, Es,It

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Death of the singer of the Cranberries Empty Re: Death of the singer of the Cranberries

Message  Admin Mar 30 Jan - 13:37

I listened this band a lot when I was student !

We don't know what's happend in the head of a psychologicaly fragile person. Dolores was diagnosed as manic depressive

Messages : 3372
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français, Gb

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