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The royal wedding

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The royal wedding  Empty The royal wedding

Message  MurielB Dim 20 Mai - 22:28

the idea that a divorced American of mixed race who has a professional career would marry into the royal family would have been inconceivable only 20 years ago. So I think that’s great.”
She broadens the gene pool really, she brings a different perspective and also a different appearance, beyond the obvious, to the Royal Family. She is bound to make them appear less stuffy and to inject different ideas into their gene pool. I think it’s very good for the monarchy.

Hi every one
I also think it is very good for the monarchy, for Britain and America Relationship for love's sake because they look natural and very devoted to each other. As the bride's mother is Afro American it is also a good attitude against racial prejudice

The royal wedding  Image_10
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