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Nikki Yanofsky

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Nikki Yanofsky

Message  gerardM Jeu 13 Jan - 18:28

Hi everyone,

Not much to do with languages except that Nikki Yanofsky, 16-year-old jazz singer is a Quebecois (living in Montreal - do pronounce the "t"): she speaks a bit of French but mainly English.

I'm very fond of Nikki, I'm "her friend" on Facebook: woohoo!! Wink
Her voice is truly wonderful!!

She just posted:
Jusr finished taping Vivement Dimanche... Woohoo!!
(the "Jusr" is "Just")

That means she finished to record "Vivement dimanche" on the video-tape... she will be in this Sunday's program with Michel Drucker.

Of course I will be in front of my screen as I'm a fan but not sure she will sing.

Anyway, I will attend her meeting in May at La Cigale in Paris!

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  gerardM Jeu 13 Jan - 22:18


I don't know if you can see ->

Before, she had posted
Francey pants (Hier, à 21:54)
People wondered what French pants might have but I think she just meants she arrived in France.

NB: Take care as "pants" is one of these words with a meaning different b/w American and British English.
First of all, the singular "pant" means Fr"halètement".
US "pants" means Fr "pantalons".
Br 'pants" means Fr "slip".
Not the same... take care and don't confuse!! Very Happy

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  MurielB Ven 14 Jan - 9:05

I'll be in front of mu sceen too if I can !

Messages : 18394
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  gerardM Ven 14 Jan - 19:29

Hi Muriel, everyone,

In addition to Vivement dimanche on Sunday, Nikki will be in "Champs Elysées" on Saturday night FR2.

Other messages:
So I'm obsessed with the "macarons" in Paris. YUM I had coffee flavour and hazelnut and I recommend both Very Happy
Tomorrow night, Nikki will be appearing on the world renowned French variety show "Champs-Elysees" on France 2 (TV)!! Tune in at 8:30 p.m. CET (2:30 p.m. EST)!!

Both messages are supposed to be published by Nikki (the wall of her account) but whe can read ("Nikki will be appearing") that a team is posting for her... just promoting as she's on tour throughout France.


An interview of hers ->

A song in French ->

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  gerardM Dim 16 Jan - 18:01

Hi everyone,

Big disappointment today!

If we could see and hear a song by Nikki yesterday at Champs Elysées, no Nikki at "Vivement dimanche" the guest of which was Jamel...

I wonder how long before true broadcast the program is recorded.

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  MurielB Dim 16 Jan - 21:36

I am really sorry for you Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

Messages : 18394
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  gerardM Dim 16 Jan - 22:55

It will be broadcasted another Sunday.
I asked Nikki about this but -of course- messages are posted but responses are never read.

Anyway, I will attend her concert in May.

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  MurielB Lun 17 Jan - 9:08

So you are not too disappointed !

Messages : 18394
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  gerardM Lun 17 Jan - 10:38

Hi Muriel,

I'm a bit disappointed, mainly because I mistakenly announced Nikki's performance in Vivement dimanche for Sunday!
This broadcasting will take place later.
I didn't know Michel Drucker recorded programs with such delay: he must have a big collection of records that he picks up according to the right moment, commercially speaking.

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  gerardM Ven 21 Jan - 20:52

Hi Muriel, hi everyone,

I must confess I love Nikki's voice but "she" begins to get on my nerves!

As I wrote it above, her Facebook account is commercial ->

She doesn't really post but has employees who do it to fuel buzz and get a big group of fans.
They presently post anything from what she ate for breakfast to her sleeping like a baby, etc.
The style is childish and silly. Sad

I'm a member of other star's FCB account (Matthieu Boré): they delete any subject which was not started by them... Okay, they want to head the media plan but here for Nikki, that's too much!
Anyway, I'll attend her concert but her team is too commercial for me.

Dernière édition par gerardM le Sam 22 Jan - 20:48, édité 1 fois (Raison : fixed the URL)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  MurielB Sam 22 Jan - 18:13

I am sure you will enjoy her concert anyway !

Messages : 18394
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  gerardM Sam 22 Jan - 20:52

Sure I will!
Her voice is wonderful! I don't know why Quebecois have such a voice... I'm jealous! I'm unable to sing like them! Sometimes I try in my bathroom but quickly stop to switch on the radio! Very Happy

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  gerardM Jeu 17 Mar - 12:02

Hi everyone,

I won't attend Nikki's concert at La Cigale as it is overcrowded but she will sing in the Olympia, Paris!!!

An interview to by Nikki -> Celebrity Crush scratch

Plus enfantine, tu meurs ! but you can try to understand her words! Wink

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  MurielB Jeu 17 Mar - 22:15

But she looks very cute Very Happy

Nikki Yanofsky Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18394
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  gerardM Jeu 17 Mar - 22:40

Every girlie of 16 looks very cute :sigh:

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  gerardM Dim 14 Avr - 15:46

Hi everyone,

Nikki Yanofsky could sing with Stevie Wonder...
Nikki Yanofsky
Though you don't believe that they do, they do come true..
My dream most certainly did!! I just had the honor of singing with my hero, Stevie Wonder as part of the KMA Power Of Love gala for Quincy Jones and Sir Michael Caine. I've never felt luckier or more blessed.... They say don't meet your heroes. Well he's lived up to everything I could ever have imagined and more #overjoyed Wink
Nikki Yanofsky 66883_10151414312615888_428148351_n
Imagine that as a doctor, you could take a photo with Ambroise Paré Wink , as an IT-professional, with Tim Berners-Lee, or Bill Gates, or Steve Jobs, or Steve Ballmer... Wink

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  gerardM Ven 24 Mai - 23:53

Hi everyone,

I can't help posting this photo:
Nikki Yanofsky 375726_10150364982205888_2006713344_n
It dates back to November 7, 2011 and got this comment by Nicole :
Nikki's Tour de France - Une Grande Victoire!

Last month, Nikki returned triumphant from her own Tour de France, winning over her French fans not with a bicycle, but with her golden voice and “grande charme.” Globetrotting across the country with her signature style, Nikki wowed audiences in Salon de Provence, Tourcoing, Coutances, Bordeaux, Joue-Les-Tours, Courbevoie and Toulouse, culminating in her debut performance at the legendary Olympia in Paris. Founded in 1888, the Olympia has played host to the finest performers in the world, including Edith Piaf at her height of fame. Felicitations Nikki, on your latest coup!
Notice Nikki was born on February 8, 1994.
She began in 2006 with her performance on the stage of the International Jazz Festival of Montreal at the age of 12.
She will be singing at the 2013 Festival, which is from June 29 to July 7.

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  gerardM Jeu 22 Mai - 22:26

Nikki's back to Paris.

Nikki Yanofsky Temp440

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty What the little secret sounds like.

Message  MurielB Jeu 22 Mai - 22:43

Nikki Yanofsky Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18394
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  gerardM Jeu 22 Mai - 22:49

Nikki offers us "Something New"

(3 min 19 sec sur YouTube) Nikki Yanofsky - Something New

Comme toujours sur You Tube, d'autres chansons de l'auteur dans la colonne de droite.

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Nikki Yanofsky Empty Re: Nikki Yanofsky

Message  MurielB Ven 23 Mai - 8:40

Yes it is very good ! She is an up and coming singer (I am very proud of that expression I have just come across with)  Wink

Nikki Yanofsky Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18394
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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