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The museum of failure

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The museum of failure Empty The museum of failure

Message  MurielB Lun 4 Fév - 15:45

The museum resonates in an age of social media where we're saturated with picture-perfect lifestyle imagery, he said.
"When people are presented with a perfect image of something - whether a product or a perfect person - it doesn't feel authentic," West said. "And the Museum of Failure, with its artifacts, feels - and is - completely genuine and authentic. And that's something that's not so common today."

Hi everyone, I like very much the idea of Failure, of not being perfect because it shows that we are authentic and very different from a machine.
Elite Daily a écrit:Failure teaches you in ways success can't. It shapes you as a person. It makes you resilient. If we can cultivate a stronger relationship with failure, we can make success that much closer.
It is true that it is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all. No one is immune to making mistakes, we are human after all. What  is important is to accept our mistakes and not repeat them. They also help us becoming better and better which is a great advantage.

The museum of failure Image_10
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