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English Bookclub 5 - Jack Kerouac "On the road", September 2020

2 participants

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English Bookclub 5 - Jack Kerouac "On the road", September 2020 Empty English Bookclub 5 - Jack Kerouac "On the road", September 2020

Message  steph Sam 19 Sep - 19:20

Sept 19, 2020 — We were 2 people to discuss this book, describing the author's travels and relationships with the other prominent figures of the Beat generation, which preceeded the Hippies.
The discussion was about: censoring their books, because they were describing illegal activities at the time, like homosexuality or drug addiction, was actually preventing the society to make the evolutions required to adjust to them in a better way, and consequently become a better society.
Next meeting : October 17, 2020 - J K Rowling "Harry Potter", still 10am at Calais public library.


Messages : 17
Lieu : Calais
Langues : français (langue mater) Gb

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English Bookclub 5 - Jack Kerouac "On the road", September 2020 Empty Re: English Bookclub 5 - Jack Kerouac "On the road", September 2020

Message  MurielB Sam 19 Sep - 21:29

Hi Steph, hi everyone
I haven't read the book but I'm very interested in the beat generation. First of all because it shook the American society of the 50's much too puritanical and hypocritical. At that time man was a breadwinner and being gay was banned or even illegal
That society was also neurotic and didn’t accept other ways of life than their own. The beat generation established their identity through a rejection of the cultural values of their time, particularly in relation to gender expectations.
I think human beings have to get out of their comfort zone if they want  to evolve.I am also interested in the American dream. In my studies of the English language, I loved American civilization and the visit of Ellis Island, where the immigrants had to pass through, moved me a lot. There was so much energy in their approach!
The beat  generation was very interested in nature and shamanism. Personally, I think that reconnecting with nature brings a lot of strength. I also think, like the shamans, that energy comes out of Nature. The world is not only material. It is what we don't see that is the most important.
I'm sorry but I thought the meetings had been cancelled because of the coronavirus. I have read Harry Potter and unless I can't make it, I will be there on October 17th.

English Bookclub 5 - Jack Kerouac "On the road", September 2020 Image_10
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Messages : 18966
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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