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English Bookclub - July 17, 2021 "The world according to Garp" by J Irving and "Confinement" by K Howells - WITH THE AUTHOR

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English Bookclub - July 17, 2021 "The world according to Garp" by J Irving and "Confinement" by K Howells - WITH THE AUTHOR Empty English Bookclub - July 17, 2021 "The world according to Garp" by J Irving and "Confinement" by K Howells - WITH THE AUTHOR

Message  steph Dim 18 Juil - 13:46

10 people were here, which is the maximum according to the new sanitary rules, and starting next month we will need the sanitary pass as well.
Kristina HOWELLS was there with us to present her last book "Confinement", English version only for the moment, available on and, both in Kindle version and paperback version. Fsacinating conspiration theory suspense "novello" (somewhere between a novel and a short story).
We also had a very interesting talk about "The world according to Garp" by John Irving, which is a long feminist novel, published in 1978, including some graphic contents about rapes, murders, mutilations, and sex hatred in general. The question was: is it a time piece, that is not relevant today anymore?


Messages : 17
Lieu : Calais
Langues : français (langue mater) Gb

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