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Free Camera

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Free Camera Empty Free Camera

Message  PeterM Mer 31 Mar - 10:20

Does anybody know someone who 'collects' cameras?,if so i may have something they would be interested in.
Polaroid have stopped making 'instant' film now,so it is no longer possible to buy film for this camera,and it is in 'mint' condition,so it is a pity just to throw it away,and would be better for it to go to a genuine collector, so if anybody is interested,free of charge, its a Polaroid Spirit 600 in a case,no matter which group you are with, i will find a way of getting it to you;
This also poses a kind of question,is the world of technology moving too fast? It is for me sometimes, i remember the 'start' of Polaroid with Black and White instant films,which you had to peel the paper off the back and wait for a few minuits for the picture to appear,then colour came,then no paper to peel off,then instant colour,in the hands in seconds,and now it has gone completely,to be replaced by digital cameras;
I remember when a phone was a phone,now its taking photos,and its a hand held computer, Muriel has one that makes tea in the morning before she gets out of bed !!
Writing 'e-mails', what's wrong with a paper and pen,and a stamp on an envelope?, i used to enjoy letter writing,and still do when i can,but like everyone else in order to 'keep up' i am drawn into the world of 'fast' or 'instant' technology; do you think Shakespeare would have written more plays if he had had a 'word proccesser?
I have a calculator that is thinner than the biscuit i had this morning,and there is a t.v. that you could slide under the door when its closed;
No sooner do i buy the latest 'dvd' player etc,than the makers are telling me that its useless because 'blue-ray'
is better,and after you buy that,another one comes out, i think its all a con sometimes,i know someone in the u.k. who keeps up with all the latest gadgets,and most of the time he can't tell any difference between the stuff he's bought and the old stuff;
Now,where did i leave that pen?,you can never find anything when you want it..................... Peter

Messages : 15
Lieu : Boulogne
Langues : Irlandais, Gb (Langue maternelle), Fr

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Free Camera Empty Re: Free Camera

Message  Admin Jeu 1 Avr - 14:57


I am member of a photo school (in Calais) and my teacher gather old cameras in France to repare, give and teach to black africans. He often go to Africa because he's married to a Togo native.
You can give it to me and I'll give to him

Messages : 3376
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français, Gb

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Free Camera Empty camera

Message  PeterM Jeu 1 Avr - 18:48

I will pass the camera on to Muriel to give to you,it will be an interesting talking point,but it is only of interest to a club or collector, because you can no longer get the films for it,they are not made anymore;
The camera is like new in perfect condition,so it would be a pity just to throw it away; it will be with you soon; cheers for now, Peter.

Messages : 15
Lieu : Boulogne
Langues : Irlandais, Gb (Langue maternelle), Fr

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Free Camera Empty Re: Free Camera

Message  Admin Jeu 1 Avr - 23:22

And don't worry about the ability of africaneers to rebuild the device!

Messages : 3376
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français, Gb

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Free Camera Empty camera

Message  PeterM Sam 3 Avr - 11:03

There is no question about ' rebuilding 'the camera,it is in perfect condition, but the film for the camera is no longer manufactured,so it can never take photos again,this is why its a ' collectors item', i'll send it soon; Peter;

Messages : 15
Lieu : Boulogne
Langues : Irlandais, Gb (Langue maternelle), Fr

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