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American words of yiddish origin

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American words of yiddish origin Empty American words of yiddish origin

Message  Tregouet Lun 30 Juin - 9:25

I just saw this list on wikipedia.
I grew up using quite a few of thee, I wonder if others have the same experience or is it more of a northeast experience:
bagel (hard to find good ones in France)
tush (and tuckus )


Messages : 7
Lieu : Saint Omer, AE, Fr
Langues : Gb (Langue maternelle), Fr

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American words of yiddish origin Empty Re: American words of yiddish origin

Message  MurielB Lun 30 Juin - 21:03

Thanks very much Tregouet for your words about Yiddish language. For those who don't know much about its origin, Google has told me that
Yiddish is a Germanic language originally spoken by the Jews of Central and later Eastern Europe, written in the Hebrew alphabet, and containing a substantial substratum of words from Hebrew as well as numerous loans from Slavic languages.

Here 3 words very similar to their German counterparts.  Das Geld, genug, glück
 money I got a lot of gelt for Hanukah.
 enough I've had genoog out of you today!
 happiness Glick in the office makes for glick in the home.
what about schmuck Tregouet? does it mean jewellery like in German ?

American words of yiddish origin Image_10

American words of yiddish origin 464818 Por favor, corríjanme. Me gustaría mejorar
American words of yiddish origin 91457 Bitte korrigieren Sie mich. Ich möchte mich verbessern
Italie Vi prego di correggermi. Vorrei migliorare
France Veuillez me corriger. J'aimerais m'améliorer
Angleterre Please correct me. I'd like to improve
Espéranto Bonvolu korekti min. Mi ŝatus plibonigi

Messages : 19319
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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American words of yiddish origin Empty shmuck?

Message  Tregouet Lun 30 Juin - 21:19

Nope, schmuck is more like an ignorant person
e.g. What a schmuck!
I have not heard these words anywhere else, not in England or france at least


Messages : 7
Lieu : Saint Omer, AE, Fr
Langues : Gb (Langue maternelle), Fr

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American words of yiddish origin Empty Re: American words of yiddish origin

Message  MurielB Lun 30 Juin - 21:29

Thanks a lot Tregouet, I will remember.

American words of yiddish origin Image_10

American words of yiddish origin 464818 Por favor, corríjanme. Me gustaría mejorar
American words of yiddish origin 91457 Bitte korrigieren Sie mich. Ich möchte mich verbessern
Italie Vi prego di correggermi. Vorrei migliorare
France Veuillez me corriger. J'aimerais m'améliorer
Angleterre Please correct me. I'd like to improve
Espéranto Bonvolu korekti min. Mi ŝatus plibonigi

Messages : 19319
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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