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Let's look together for English words that look like old French words

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Let's look together for English words that look like old French words Empty Let's look together for English words that look like old French words

Message  MurielB Ven 5 Juin - 22:00

  • Allowance – from the Old French word alouance (payment
  • Apostrophe – from the French word apostrophe
  • Attaché – from the French word attaché (attached)
  • Apéritif – from the French word apéritif 
  • Avant-garde – from the French word avant-garde
  • Aviation – from the French word aviation
  • Bachelor – from the Anglo-Norman word bacheler (bachelier in modern French)
  • Baguette – from the French word baguette (stick)
  • Ballet – from the French word ballet
  • Beret – from the French word béret
  • Bon voyage – from the French phrase bon voyage (have a good journey)
  • Brunette – from the French word brunette
  • Bureau – from the French word bureau (desk, office)
  • Cabaret – from the French word cabaret
  • Cadet – from the French word cadet
  • Champagne – from the French word champagne
  • Chauffeur – from the French word chauffeur
  • Chic – from the French word chic (elegant)
  • Cliché – from the French word cliché
  • Connoisseur – from the French word connoisseur
  • Cul-de-sac – from the French word cul-de-sac (bottom of the bag/sack)
  • Debris – from the French word débris (broken, crumbled)
  • Déjà vu – from the French words déjà (already) and vu (seen – past participle of ‘voir’)
  • Delegate – from the Old French word delegat
  • Detour – from the French word détour (from détourner)
  • Dossier – from the French word dossier
  • Eau de toilette – from the French word eau de toilette
  • Elite – from the Old French word elit (chosen)
  • Energy – from the Middle French word énergie
  • En route – from the French en route
  • Envisage – from the French word envisager
  • Expatriate – from the French word expatrier
  • Facade – from the French word façade
  • Faux, as in faux fur – from the French word faux (false)
  • Faux-pas – from the French word faux pas
  • Fiancé – from the French word fiancé
  • Film noir – from the French word film noir (a film genre)
  • Gallery – from the Old French word galerie
  • Gastronomy – from the French word gastronomie
  • Gateau – from the French word gâteau
  • Gazette – from the French word gazette
  • Heritage – from the Old French word eritage (héritage in modern French)
  • Homage – from the Old French word homage
  • Hotel – from the French word hôtel
  • Identity – from the Middle French word identité
  • Illusion – from the Old French word illusion
  • Insult – from the Middle French words insult (noun) and insulter (verb)
  • Irony – from the Middle French word ironie
  • Jubilee – from the Middle French word jubile (modern French jubilé)
  • Kilogram – from the French word kilogramme
  • Lacrosse – from the Canadian French word la crosse (the stick)
  • Laissez-faire – from the French word laissez-faire (leave things to take their course)
  • Liaison – from the French word liaison
  • Literature – from the Old French word littérature
  • Machine – from the Middle French word machine
  • Magnificent – from the Middle French word magnificent
  • Maisonette – from the French word maisonette
  • Massage – from the French word massage
  • Menu – from the French word menu
  • Metabolism – from the French word métabolisme
  • Metro – from the French word métro
  • Musketeer – from the French word mousquetaire
  • Navy – from the Old French word navie
  • Neutral – from the Middle French word neutral
  • Nocturnal – from the Middle French word nocturnal
  • Novel – from the Old French word novel
  • Occasion – from the Middle French word occasion
  • Omelette – from the French word omelette
  • Optimism – from the French word optimisme
  • Papier-mâché – from the French word papier-mâché
  • Parasol – from the French word parasol
  • Poetic – from the Middle French word poétique
  • Premiere – from the French word première
  • Purify – from the Old French word purifier
  • Recipient – from the Middle French word récipient
  • Rendez-vous – from the French word rendez-vous (appointment)
  • Reservoir – from the French word ‘réservoir’ (collection place)
  • Restaurant – from the French word restaurant
  • Ricochet – from the French word ricochet
  • Rich – from the French word riche
  • Ridicule – from the French word ridicule
  • Risqué – from the French word risqué
  • Sabotage – from the French word sabotage
  • Salad – from the French word salade
  • Sentiment – from the Old French word sentement
  • Silhouette – from the French word silhouette 
  • Solicitor – from the Middle French word soliciteur
  • Souvenir – from the French word souvenir (memory)
  • Soufflé – from the French word soufflé
  • Soup – from the French word soupe
  • Technique – from the French word technique
  • Television – from the French word télévision
  • Tournament – from the Old French word tornoiement (tournoiement in modern French)
  • Uniform – from the Middle French word uniforme
  • Utensil – from the Old French word utensile
  • Valid – from the Middle French word valide
  • Variety – from the Middle French word varieté
  • Vinaigrette – from the French word vinaigrette
  • Zest – from the French word zeste

Let's look together for English words that look like old French words 434432271_837995898367711_696139415373841831_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=2285d6&_nc_ohc=oayqvB2kHVAQ7kNvgH883zj&_nc_ht=scontent.flil1-1
La langue c'est Le Lien, Language is The Link, La Lengua es el Nexo de unión, Sprache ist die Verbindung, Il Linguaggio è Il Legame, La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 17967
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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