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the Ey exhibition : late Turner at the Tate Britain in London

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the Ey exhibition : late Turner at the Tate Britain in London Empty the Ey exhibition : late Turner at the Tate Britain in London

Message  JeanPierreD Mer 21 Jan - 16:19

All those who had the opportunity to see Mike Leigh’s biopic of the English artist J.M.W Turner which depicts the 25 late years of his life may wish to have a look into the real masterpieces we just quickly caught sight of in the film.
I had this opportunity thanks to « Calais –Voyager-en-Liberté » and my English training group last Sunday. We were very very lucky because the day before, in the afternoon some problems happenend in the tunnel ( as usual a fire that melted almost two lorries) and as a result a blockage of the trafic. We took the shuttle very early in the morning and arrived in London sharp for the opening of the museum .

The tate gallery run the « Late Turner exhibition » the first one of this kind, which features Turner’s last works, produced in his sixties and early seventies ( he died in 1851) . The exhibition, subtitled « Painting set free » is the first huge exhibition devoted to the extraordinary work Turner created between 1835 ans his death . Famous painter known mainly for his landscapes and seascapes, he produced at the end of his life many of his finest pictures  but at the same time he became more and more controversial and misunderstood. In these last works he freed himself from the conventional aesthetic constraints of his time and he may even be considered as having paved the way to impressionism and even abstract painting .
If you really want to see this exhibition you really have to urge because it ends on the 25 th of January .

Messages : 118
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Gb

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the Ey exhibition : late Turner at the Tate Britain in London Empty Re: the Ey exhibition : late Turner at the Tate Britain in London

Message  MurielB Dim 25 Jan - 22:47

Once more Jean Pierre you are very good at letting us know about exhibitions.I Will not have the time to see the one you have written a post about but i Will enjoy admiring Turner's work on the net.Thanks a lot

the Ey exhibition : late Turner at the Tate Britain in London Image_10
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Messages : 18158
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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