A new concert hall in Paris : the Philharmony by Jean Nouvel
3 participants
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A new concert hall in Paris : the Philharmony by Jean Nouvel
During my last stay in Paris I went to the Philharmonie of Paris , a new concert hall created by the famous French architect Jean Nouvel, dedicated to music, classical as well as modern.
It is located in Parc la Villette, North-East of Paris, on the edge of the Périphérique.
We heard a lot on the occasion of its opening in January and after, because Jean Nouvel sued again the Townhall of Paris and the State, complaining that the building has been opened before being fully completed, changes (in order mainly to cut costs) have been made again his will etc. But even before there has been a lot of controversy about the increasing cost ( twice the original budget) the delays etc…
The building, as we can see in the photograph is made of a maximum of steel, and other « cold », « hard », materials which totally fit the goal of the architect, to make something futuristic. I loved it .
Those who don’t like it, say, it’s like « smokeless ruins of a crumpled intergalactic crash site ! »
It fits quite well this place next to the Christian de Portzamparc’s Cité de la Musique, right next door and opposite the Conservatoire de Paris music and dance. This place is symbolic , the impressive cultural ensemble claims to be the cultural bridge between Paris and her underprivileged suburbs .
That means that this place is open to all kinds of music and all kinds of publics . As an exemple, it hosts currently the extraordinary touring exhibition curated by the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, « David Bowie is ».
It is located in Parc la Villette, North-East of Paris, on the edge of the Périphérique.
We heard a lot on the occasion of its opening in January and after, because Jean Nouvel sued again the Townhall of Paris and the State, complaining that the building has been opened before being fully completed, changes (in order mainly to cut costs) have been made again his will etc. But even before there has been a lot of controversy about the increasing cost ( twice the original budget) the delays etc…
The building, as we can see in the photograph is made of a maximum of steel, and other « cold », « hard », materials which totally fit the goal of the architect, to make something futuristic. I loved it .
Those who don’t like it, say, it’s like « smokeless ruins of a crumpled intergalactic crash site ! »
It fits quite well this place next to the Christian de Portzamparc’s Cité de la Musique, right next door and opposite the Conservatoire de Paris music and dance. This place is symbolic , the impressive cultural ensemble claims to be the cultural bridge between Paris and her underprivileged suburbs .
That means that this place is open to all kinds of music and all kinds of publics . As an exemple, it hosts currently the extraordinary touring exhibition curated by the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, « David Bowie is ».
JeanPierreD- Messages : 118
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Gb
Re: A new concert hall in Paris : the Philharmony by Jean Nouvel
very good !Jean-Pierre a écrit:all kinds of music and all kinds of publics
La langue c'est Le Lien,
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung,
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.
MurielB- Admin
- Messages : 18228
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois
Re: A new concert hall in Paris : the Philharmony by Jean Nouvel
I am very happy, to be able now to put a signature at the bottom of my messages, and to add pictures, I made some practice with Florian during the 11th salon des Langues in Dunkerques, I will thank him warmly for it...
JeanPierreD- Messages : 118
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Gb
Re: A new concert hall in Paris : the Philharmony by Jean Nouvel
Jean Pierre, what a nice picture you put in
Re: A new concert hall in Paris : the Philharmony by Jean Nouvel
thanks to you Florent !
JeanPierreD- Messages : 118
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Gb
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