Café polyglotte sur le net (Language forum)
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Lawyers and judges go online to understand slang

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Lawyers and judges go online to understand slang Empty Lawyers and judges go online to understand slang

Message  Admin Mar 28 Juil - 12:01

Lawyers and judges go online to understand slang Tempo119
The English language is changing quickly, very quickly . When these are not new words that appear, it is sometimes the sense that changes. Justice, sometimes difficult to understand the slang often heard in the courts, is turning more and more to specialized websites in the language of the street, more reactive than traditional dictionaries. The question is whether they are reliable.

To translate
Slang ....... argot
Whether .. savoir si
Reliable .. fiable

Lawyers and judges go online to understand slang Quiz_l10
Do you practice slang?
Jack  ..... to steal or taken from an unsuspecter person or store
Nut ....... to ejaculate

Messages : 3369
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français, Gb

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