Europe and a charter for Plurilingualism
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Europe and a charter for Plurilingualism
A snippet of text of "European
Charter for Plurilingualism":
Languages, which provide a means of getting to know other people, also provide a means of gaining recognition as a citizen. Citizenship postulates an awareness of the need to share common values and a joint destiny. Active European citizenship is inconceivable if it does not involve a multiplication and intensification of exchanges between peoples and individuals, the main channel for these exchanges being language.
The degree of involvement of citizens in the preparation of EU policies depends on their ability to participate in the public debate and the political debate in Europe. A prerequisite for such an ability is plurilingual skills, i.e. the ability to interact effectively and in an appropriate way with other citizens of Europe".
The desire to master languages, be they one's own mother tongue or the languages of others, may become a powerful lever for promoting accession to the EU and closer links with the EU if the languages in question become common languages.
Charter for Plurilingualism":
Languages, which provide a means of getting to know other people, also provide a means of gaining recognition as a citizen. Citizenship postulates an awareness of the need to share common values and a joint destiny. Active European citizenship is inconceivable if it does not involve a multiplication and intensification of exchanges between peoples and individuals, the main channel for these exchanges being language.
The degree of involvement of citizens in the preparation of EU policies depends on their ability to participate in the public debate and the political debate in Europe. A prerequisite for such an ability is plurilingual skills, i.e. the ability to interact effectively and in an appropriate way with other citizens of Europe".
The desire to master languages, be they one's own mother tongue or the languages of others, may become a powerful lever for promoting accession to the EU and closer links with the EU if the languages in question become common languages.
henriB- Messages : 6
Lieu : lille
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle) , Gb,
Re: Europe and a charter for Plurilingualism
Yes, this is indeed a good piece of information to "drive in the nail" once more, to convince all students and more generally all citizens to do their utmost to learn languages, so as to be able to participate in EU issues...
The aim of our Polyglot Cafe tends to facilitate exchanges with foreigners, be they from EU or not, and so get to know other countries.
Thank you for convincing us how right we are !!
The aim of our Polyglot Cafe tends to facilitate exchanges with foreigners, be they from EU or not, and so get to know other countries.
Thank you for convincing us how right we are !!
Guilaine- Messages : 1122
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Gb, De, Es,It
Thanks for your comments, I would like to add that
talking with people from different parts of the world with different cultures and values about their life experiences here or where they were is very interesting.
Polyglotte caffee where meetings took place with simplicity and spontaneity is so rewarding from a cultural and linguistic perspective.
Polyglot Cafe plays a real nice role not only for language practice, it is also as a place for cultural and human enrichment.
talking with people from different parts of the world with different cultures and values about their life experiences here or where they were is very interesting.
Polyglotte caffee where meetings took place with simplicity and spontaneity is so rewarding from a cultural and linguistic perspective.
Polyglot Cafe plays a real nice role not only for language practice, it is also as a place for cultural and human enrichment.
henriB- Messages : 6
Lieu : lille
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle) , Gb,
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