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Is riding an e-bike good exercise? is it safe?

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Is riding an e-bike good exercise? is it safe? Empty Is riding an e-bike good exercise? is it safe?

Message  MurielB Sam 30 Jan - 21:54

In conclusion, this analysis supports the notion to accept, or even promote, e-bikes as a healthy and sustainable transport option based on e-bikers travel behavior and self-reported mode substitution. Planers should be aware that e-bikers travel longer distances than cyclists. Thus, e-bikes might be used for longer commuting trips than non-electric bicycles. To accommodate (or promote) this new demand and to avoid conflicts with other road users in urban areas, cycling infrastructure should be expanded and may need to be adapted to accommodate higher speeds and address safety needs. The health benefits in terms of physical activity of using e-bikes, particularly when replacing car trips, should be factored in when considering subsidizing e-biking
The electric bicycle causes more severe accidents than the traditional bicycle. However, there are more and more cycle paths that allow users to move around without risk if they wear a strong, suitable helmet. Electric bicycles can more easily replace other means of transport: buses, cars, etc., especially if you make sure you have an adapted anti-theft device.

Is riding an e-bike good exercise? is it safe? 434432271_837995898367711_696139415373841831_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=2285d6&_nc_ohc=oayqvB2kHVAQ7kNvgH883zj&_nc_ht=scontent.flil1-1
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