English Bookclub - August 21, 2021 - "The raven" by EAllan Poe +"Dr Samways writes to the editor" by T Treasure WITH THE AUTHOR
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English Bookclub - August 21, 2021 - "The raven" by EAllan Poe +"Dr Samways writes to the editor" by T Treasure WITH THE AUTHOR
On Saturday the 21st of August 2021, the English Bookclub met in the Calais library. 6 people were there (max 10 people for sanitary reasons, with sanitary pass).
We had a dramatised version of the narrative poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, the famous romantic American poet (1809-1849), well known for his gothic short stories. The following discussion was about: what is the meaning of the end? Did the narrator die, did he turn insane, was he the victim of a supernatural event?
After that, Tom Treasure was there to present his book recently published at the Cambridge Scholars Editions "Dr Samways writes to the Editor", which is a biography of the Dr Samways, a real medical doctor who worked in England as a physicist and a medical doctor in the big Guy's Hospital in London, and then in France (Menton, on the French Riviera) as a General Practitionner, in the 19th century, with a specific focus on the tuberculosis, that he was also a victim of. The press was there (Nord Littoral), to know more about the English Bookclub in general, and to interview Pr Treasure, a retired heart surgeon who has a specific interest about the histoy of medicine, and lives in France.
We had a dramatised version of the narrative poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, the famous romantic American poet (1809-1849), well known for his gothic short stories. The following discussion was about: what is the meaning of the end? Did the narrator die, did he turn insane, was he the victim of a supernatural event?
After that, Tom Treasure was there to present his book recently published at the Cambridge Scholars Editions "Dr Samways writes to the Editor", which is a biography of the Dr Samways, a real medical doctor who worked in England as a physicist and a medical doctor in the big Guy's Hospital in London, and then in France (Menton, on the French Riviera) as a General Practitionner, in the 19th century, with a specific focus on the tuberculosis, that he was also a victim of. The press was there (Nord Littoral), to know more about the English Bookclub in general, and to interview Pr Treasure, a retired heart surgeon who has a specific interest about the histoy of medicine, and lives in France.
steph- Messages : 17
Lieu : Calais
Langues : français (langue mater) Gb
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