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Different ways of communicating

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Different ways of communicating Empty Different ways of communicating

Message  MurielB Lun 14 Mar - 10:34

Different ways of communicating 8accf210
why too many messages make us want to throw our phones at the wall ?

=>Text anxiety: why too many messages make us want to throw our phones at the wall | Life and style | The Guardian
As the pressure to be online and always available continues to grow in our society, in-person interactions provide far more authentic communication than digital ones. From body language and tone of voice to eye contact and all the other social cues that exist in real life that aren’t available in a text message, it’s far easier to be present when you’re face-to-face.
There are 3 types of communication
Interpersonal communication: connects two individuals.
Group communication: a sender addresses several targeted receivers.
Mass communication: a sender addresses the largest possible number of receivers.

For a conversation between two people, face to face has a huge advantage because body language and tone of voice allow for more authenticity. The telephone can be a substitute as well as all the nice little messages sent on different internet channels 
To create a group spirit, a WhatsApp, Messenger or Facebook group allows a superficial exchange of ideas and informs about events and gives some news about its members
To get ideas across to as many people as possible, we can use the press and advertisements, but there is no feedback and we don't know exactly the impact on people

To exchange ideas (or news) we can use Fb which allows an immediate return thanks to "likes and comments" but we can only communicate with our FB friends and we cannot classify anything
you can also create a Forum that allows ideas to be transmitted(on the forum or with the Newsletter) to all visitors and members, allows them to be classified and allows an exchange with members about the ideas

Different ways of communicating 434432271_837995898367711_696139415373841831_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg&_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=2285d6&_nc_ohc=oayqvB2kHVAQ7kNvgH883zj&_nc_ht=scontent.flil1-1
La langue c'est Le Lien, Language is The Link, La Lengua es el Nexo de unión, Sprache ist die Verbindung, Il Linguaggio è Il Legame, La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 17969
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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