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The surge of central American children into US

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The surge of central American children into US Empty The surge of central American children into US

Message  MurielB Sam 13 Sep - 21:10

The fate of 47 thousand children, most of them from Central America and the prospect of 43 thousand more children crossing the Texan border illegally by the end of 2014 poses a serious challenge to the laws of the United States and our humanitarian values. How should we treat these children? Should they be united with parents and family members living in the US or deported for entering the U.S. without sufficient reasons to justify asylum?

There used to be children from Mexico who legally entered the US alone. Now they come from Guatemala, el Salvador and Honduras. It is very dangerous but they manage to do it.
 It is as complicated as in Calais when the migrants  attempt to board trucks heading to Britain !
War, conflicts, famine have increased the number of people on the move round the world.  They are not welcome because they  are seen as a threat to western economies.
What can we do ?  scratch

The surge of central American children into US Image_10
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