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Justin wickens from Euroclub (London)

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Justin wickens from Euroclub (London) Empty Justin wickens from Euroclub (London)

Message  MurielB Ven 3 Juin - 21:59

Justin Wickens 

We were immensely sad to hear that Justin had passed away on 24 December 2015. He had had a lengthy and difficult illness. Yet even though he had been ill for some time he had continued to attend EuroClub and to participate whenever he was well enough. I can only imagine the setbacks and difficulties he had to contend with, but despite this, whenever he came to our activities he was cheerful and uncomplaining. He showed remarkable dignity in dealing with his illness. 
I received many messages of condolence from members to pass onto his family. Their thoughts and feelings are personal of course but the shared picture that they paint is of someone who was cheerful, kind, positive and who was earnest and passionate about EuroClub and its activities.

He had been a member of EuroClub since 2001 after he had returned from a spell working in Luxembourg. For most of the time since then he was a Committee member and then, after a time as Vice-Chair, he was Club Chair for the last 5 years. Justin had made particular efforts to keep the German-English group running when it lacked a regular organiser. That has borne fruit, now that Corinna is running it so well. Justin did all he could to ensure EuroClub worked smoothly and participated in as many activities as possible so that he could meet as many members as possible. 

For me personally my memory of Justin was our common view of EuroClub and what it should be. A few years ago we both felt there was a need for a change in approach in EuroClub and his support gave me the confidence to propose changes. We were all then able to work together so that EuroClub could be relevant and attractive as it is today. 

He had a lot of interests and was involved in other groups and activities in London. This was reflected in the number of people who attended the funeral service.

We will remember him, his qualities and friendship in particular and his contribution to building EuroClub. 

David Sellers, Acting Chairman, EuroClub
January 2016

Justin wickens from Euroclub (London) Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

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