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exhibition in Chapelle des Carmes, in Ardres

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exhibition in Chapelle des Carmes, in Ardres Empty exhibition in Chapelle des Carmes, in Ardres

Message  Remy Sam 10 Juil - 8:17

The chapelle des Carmes, in Ardres, shows an exhibition about the Wissant's painters.
In the nineteen's century, the Opale coast was very in, because the english and french upper classes used to meet in the sea resorts.

At this time, some talented painters produced masterpieces about the usual life of common people, such as farmers and sailers. This was also the time of impressionism.

These painters are less famous than stars like Monet, Renoir, etc...but however the exhibition is worth the trip.

This exhibition is free. You can buy postcards or a book, if you want to get a souvenir of this great time.


Messages : 3178
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Gb

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exhibition in Chapelle des Carmes, in Ardres Empty Re: exhibition in Chapelle des Carmes, in Ardres

Message  MurielB Sam 10 Juil - 22:46

Thank you very much Remy for the information which looks great

exhibition in Chapelle des Carmes, in Ardres Image_10
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Messages : 18404
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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