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1 English idioms

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Message  MurielB Dim 26 Mar - 22:24

No these sentences are not difficult !

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Message  gerardM Dim 26 Mar - 22:41

You're right Muriel: easy regarding your level.

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Message  MurielB Dim 2 Avr - 22:25

Thanks for the word "xoxo"
I didn't know it meant lots of hugs and kisses.

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Message  gerardM Dim 2 Avr - 22:32

MurielB a écrit:Gérard
Thanks for the word "xoxo"
I didn't know it meant lots of hugs and kisses.
Very frequent Muriel.

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Message  MurielB Lun 3 Avr - 23:03

I love these words so much ! : lovincrowne:

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Message  MurielB Mer 5 Avr - 10:13

No, I didn't know that "sweltering" wans very hot ! No

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Message  gerardM Mer 5 Avr - 10:34

MurielB a écrit:No, I didn't know that "sweltering" wans very hot ! No
Due to global warming, it's worth to learn "to swelter" Muriel Smile

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Message  gerardM Mer 5 Avr - 10:55

Let's revise..

This list is important.
However it may be tricky.
- most of the time, the verb is transitive while the adjective/past participle isn't such as "to marry someone"/"married to someone"
- words may have a wide range of meanings, hence several possible prepositions: let's not mix things
- we can read: "to arrive in/at", it doesn't mean you have the choice, it means there're several cases... you arrive at a specific point (arrive at the train station), you arrive in a wide area (arrive in Calais)
- usually, words with similar meanings (I don't want to write synonyms Smile ) have the same prepositions but this rule is true in German, less in English
- a few couples word+preposition are "strong", I mean there's no alternative, the past, the adjective ahve the same prep and we must know them well especialy when it is different from the French: aim at, believe in, complain about, composed of, congratulate on, depend on, etc
- past participles are used as adjectives (like in French), it doesn't mean the preposition is "by" like for the passive mode even when the sentence looks like (I'm satisfied...), 'kay?

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Message  MurielB Mer 5 Avr - 22:53

Gérard I would like to add that
a cub is  a young carnivorous mammal (as a bear, fox, or lion)

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Message  gerardM Mer 5 Avr - 23:58

MurielB a écrit:Gérard I would like to add that
a cub is  a young carnivorous mammal (as a bear, fox, or lion)
However, a young human is not a cub though a carnivorous mammal Wink

But similarly, a young wolf is also a "cub"... saying this because "cub (GB) / cub scout (US)" is the name given to the young scout.

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Message  MurielB Jeu 6 Avr - 7:44

Thanks for adding this Gérard !

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Message  MurielB Ven 7 Avr - 22:21

What about a French kiss ?

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Empty For those who wants to know more about the clothes in Am

Message  MurielB Sam 8 Avr - 22:10


In the UK, we would be embarrassed if people saw our pants. why?

British English = American English

Trousers = Pants

Pants / Underwear / Knickers = Underwear / panties

briefs/underpants = shorts/jockey shorts

Jumper / Pullover / Sweater /Jersey = Sweater

Pinafore Dress = Jumper

Vest = Undershirt

Waistcoat = Vest

Wellington Boots / Wellies = Galoshes

Mac (slang for Macintosh) = Rain Coat

Plimsolls = Gym Shoes


Braces = Suspenders

Suspenders = Holds up stockings

Dressing Gown = Robe

Nappy = Diaper

Pinny / Apron = Apron

Polo Neck = Turtle Neck

Dressing Gown = Bath Robe

Swimming costume / Cozzy = Bathing Suit

Dungarees Overalls = dressing-gown = bathrobe

bootlace/shoelace = shoestring

bowler/hard hat = derby

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Message  gerardM Sam 8 Avr - 22:32

Thanks Muriel!

How do you call a "Fr Smoking" in English? Let me help you, it's not "smoking" LOL and there's an American word and a British word.

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Message  MurielB Sam 8 Avr - 22:42

gerardM a écrit:Thanks Muriel!

How do you call a "Fr Smoking" in English? Let me help you, it's not "smoking" LOL and there's an American word and a British word.

No idea, Gérard. I give in.

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Message  MurielB Lun 10 Avr - 13:21

Thanks Gérard for that new word ! very easy to remember ! Very Happy

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Message  gerardM Mar 11 Avr - 23:19

MurielB a écrit:...
Those writing linkers and phrases are very useful. I know most of them but I should use them more often !
I'm glad to read your words and mainly not to read that you're going/trying to learn them all immmediately.

Yes they are useful, let's learn them, reading the list regularly... they will be better known after several readings and still better when we use them.

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Message  MurielB Sam 15 Avr - 22:58

It is so difficult to know what is American and what is English ! scratch The more we read your posts about that the better we will know, of course !

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Message  gerardM Sam 15 Avr - 23:04

MurielB a écrit:It is so difficult to know what is American and what is English ! scratch The more we read your posts about that the better we will know, of course !
... or choose to ban British English Smile

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Message  MurielB Mar 18 Avr - 23:14

Animal sounds are easier to remember !The human voice can produce so many sounds !

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Message  MurielB Sam 22 Avr - 21:13

Very good and important visual chart ! For me it's OK

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Message  MurielB Sam 29 Avr - 21:38

:-) Very good to revise !

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Message  MurielB Dim 30 Avr - 22:04

Tx Gérard, it is very useful to read again all those différences !

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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Message  gerardM Lun 1 Mai - 15:10

I often post articles showing the differences between American and British English.

However, there're far more. Yes the Brits usually understand American but I insist: American is a very different language and Americans ignore the specificities of BrEn.

We rarely see artcles showing the big (and tricky) differences in the domains of cars, of crops, of clothes...
We never see oodles of various differences such as Am-door opener/Br-remote, Am-Driver's license/Br-Driving licence, Am-Drapes/Br-Rideaux, etc.

There are small differences you'll never see published but that show the side of the speaker:
- Americans say purchase rather than buy (Brits usually use purchase for big buyings such as houses)
- Americans say photo rather than picture
- Am say movie-theater rather than cinema
- etc.
So, hearing these words, you would understand anyway but you could guess the origin of the guy in front.

Dernière édition par gerardM le Lun 1 Mai - 17:10, édité 1 fois

Please feel free to point out big mistakes in my messages in a foreign language. Thanks to your remarks, I'll be able to improve my level.
PS: Pls note that I chose American English for my vocabulary, grammar, spelling, culture, etc.  :-)

Messages : 31183
Lieu : Ermont & Eaubonne café-langues (Val d'Oise)
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), US-En, De, It, Ru

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Message  MurielB Lun 1 Mai - 22:17

The vocabulary is ok for me but i didn't know the idiom
the cupboard is bare

 1 English idioms  - Page 3 Image_10
La langue c'est Le Lien, 
Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

Messages : 18221
Lieu : Calais
Langues : Français (Langue maternelle), Espéranto, Gb, De, It, Es, chinois

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